Thursday, January 27, 2011

Politic Music

Music is supposed to sound good! And boy O' boy does Politic sound good! Their record Break the Silence, which was released last year has been played through in it's entirety many times on my IPOD, and I am pretty sure that it will have that same effect on anyone who listens to it. Almost every band has an interesting back story and Politic is no exception as Kyle Galanaugh will tell us below, but I think we are lucky that things unfolded as they did, because if they hadn't we may have never been graced with such a great record. A great record, from a great band that is only getting started!

ALDM: What was the inspiration for starting Politic after your solo efforts?

KG: Well, I had a good time doing the solo thing, however, I really didnt like it when people asked, "Whats the name of your band"? My response was..."" ha Also, I was not totally happy with my solo record "Bergen Park". I had initially had the "sound of Politic" in mind, however that idea in my mind never came to life in the recording.
Most of the reason I decided to form Politic was because of Matt Thomason (drums). After Matt stepped away from my solo project for a couple of months, he came back and we decided to have a totally fresh start. What better way, then, to change the name AND the style of the sound? So we did. And I could not be more happy with the new direction.

ALDM: Did you have a sound in mind when you started, and was the finished product anything like what you had imagined?

KG: It was EXACTLY what I had imagined. Almost too exact! The reason is because of Matt and Andrew Berlin from The Blasting Room Studio's in Fort Collins, CO. Leading up to the recording of "Break The Silence" I have never had anyone relate with me so well (musically) than Matt. We worked through the ideas and bounced them off of Berlin, who would add his thoughts and give some additional direction. At the end of the day we walked out of the Blasting Room dying to go back in and record some more. We had a great time doing it and we are very happy with the outcome.

ALDM: How does the band take a beautiful album, and transfer that over to a live experience?

KG: A lot of practice and brainstorming. The first thing we had in mind for the live show was lights. Accept for The Epilogues, no other local band really had a light show. My best friend Jake Jones runs the light show and helps design the scenes. We try to switch things up regularly and never let the fans get the chance to become bored. Politic really tries to put everything we have into every show. Our Bass player Chad DeShazo and guitarist Jordan Burgen add the perfect unity and stage presence Matt and I had in mind for the bands' live show. We are VERY thankful we found Chad and Jordan! The best thing about the group is that we are all best friends. And I really feel that bleeds onto the stage and people can see it in the performance.

ALDM: What is the process foe you and the band when writing a song?

KG: It usually goes like this... Kyle writes the music... Matt rips the music apart... Kyle rewrites the music... Matt loves the music... Kyle writes the lyrics... Matt says his "mom" wont like the lyrics... Kyle re writes the lyrics... Matt like the lyrics...Politic has a new song!

ALDM: What direction do you see Politic going in as the band evolves?

KG: With the music industry the way it is it is very hard to say. However, we are all on the same page with the band. We plan to head back to the studio next summer and push out some new music within the next year or so. We will be playing music and doing everything we can under one condition... People still love the music and want more. At the end of the day music is a gift. Not for the band, but for the fans. It's all about making people feel good on a Monday morning.

ALDM: What is your favorite piece of gear?

KG: Mine is the Line 6 Delay pedal:) Matt's is anything he can hit the crap out of. Chad loves the laser and Jordan loves white pants!

ALDM: What are the 2011 plans for Politic?

KG: PLAY PLAY PLAY! Write music and explore outside markets. Also I am getting married in July. Samantha is Politics' biggest fan so that wont change the direction of the group. In fact if I were to back off music she would have my head on a stick.

ALDM: I see bands in Denver really helping each other out, often taking turns supporting each others shows. What do you think of this camaraderie? Do you feel that Denver's current music scene is the strongest its ever been?

KG: The support within local bands is awesome. I love to see local acts helping each other. However there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that the public does not see. NOT with the bands as much as the "business". This local scene is controlled by 10 or less people. 5 of the 10 people are awesome. (Scott Cambell with AEG for instance.) The one thing that I personally have noticed is the disturbing amount of blacklisting and favoritism in the scene. Some of the big wigs in Denver will actually go out of their way to try to ruin a small local bands dream. And to be honest maybe that local band deserved it, but at the end of the day IS THE BANDS MUSIC GOOD?! That is the question. Whether you like the band as people or not, you have to ask yourself that question. So I would answer the question... No it is not the strongest it has ever been. In fact i would even say it is weaker than i have seen it in years. Bands are more concerned with writing the "HOOK" to please the local radio station, than just write music they truly love. The moment someone compromises their passion to please someone else, the clock starts ticking to the end.

You can check out the bands official site here, or their facebook here. You can also purchase their album, as well as watch them perform some of the track "Borderline" below.
Break The Silence - Politic

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